Thursday, August 29, 2013

Exhibition Meet #2

Another hot day, yet we responded relatively well to not only the heat but some tired legs.  We've worked pretty hard this week, so I would not expect any super performances at this time.  Overall, I was pleased with how we are taking care of business before and after the meet.  The kids know I mean business when it comes to the warm up and cool down.  They are earning my trust, but still I have to continue to my "due diligence" as their coach to make sure things are done right.

Both teams still know and are beginning to understand that we have a long way to go to get into the kind of shape we need to be in order to perform well at season's end.  Doing the little things will make a HUGE difference when it comes to reaching our potential.

Tomorrow we'll enjoy one of my weird Friday relays and have some fun.  Labor Day weekend is summer's last be hurrah, and I NEVER practice the team on Monday.  My expectation is for my young runners to run 2 of the 3 days during the long weekend and come back ready to compete on Tuesday with our 3rd home meet.

Let's get those team shirt orders in and get ready to enjoy our 3 day weekend.  And go ILLINI.  I'll be at this Saturday's game.  I can't wait to see the new scoreboard, digital ribbon, and signage noting the championships.  Looks great in pictures but probably much better in person.

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