Thursday, October 10, 2013

Chance Favors the Well Prepared

The hay is in the barn.  We've done just about everything within our power to be well prepared for this weekend's Sectional.  After all, THE MAIN THING is all about focus, doing what is right, being well prepared, feeling confident, and taking care of business.  That being the case, we also have "chance" and "luck" moving our way, since Chance does favor those who have prepared well.

I gave the team a detailed sheet of the next couple of days and what the expectations are.  Even with a day off from school, we still have to focus on what is important.  It just wouldn't make much sense to lose focus now, with our opportunity for success being on the horizon.

We know that history and tradition do favor PBL, yet we still have to go out on Saturday and perform well.  The field in the sectional is more balanced than I've seen in years.  This means that we have to be totally ready to put everything on the line and use our ability and talent to take ourselves to the next level. Is it possible?  Absolutely!  I've seen it happen many times.  The team has heard our stories of success and failure, and knows the "cause and effect" of each.  Let's just hope each team member chooses wisely and comes Saturday to my office at 8:30 feeling like a "world beater".  After all, a sectional as balanced as this needs a team or two to "rise to the occasion".  I firmly believe we can do this.

So, we hit the hill tonight doing 8 x 200 reps in 14: 40.  What's funny, we're not even winded when it was done, everyone grabs a dumdum out of the box and proceeds to do the cool down, no questions asked.

So, a brief shakedown tomorrow at 3:30, rehearsing our warm up for Saturday morning, doing pullouts from Box 10, and calling it a day.  It's important to keep the body in it's cycle of exercise, and laying around most of the day and doing nothing is the worst thing we can do.

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