Monday, September 30, 2013

Last tough week of work.

This week of competition mixed with practice is all set up by design, all part of THE MAIN THING.  I want tired legs after our meet this Saturday at Monticello.  We worked pretty hard today, doing some 400s at Pells Park.  Tomorrow is a meet at Rossville, which we'll use as a good way to learn how to run as a group, then we'll come back with some intense work on the hill on Wednesday followed by a very competitive home meet with Mahomet on Thursday.  That's 4 consecutive days of pretty tough work.  We'll have some fun with a DQ run on Friday, then come back for the last bit of tough work at the Monticello Invitational on Saturday.

This tears us down that one last time before the Sectional meet and puts our bodies into the position to have an optimal performance on the day we want it.  Note, we are talking the physical here, not the mental.  That's where focus and desire come into play, which I doubt will be much of a problem.  I'll do my best to keep this group grounded and on task.

This then sets the table for high quality, low quantity work next week, with Tuesday being the PBL Invitational, which gives us an early week focus and an opportunity for non Sectional team members to really put it all on the line with one last great effort for the season.  Those next 3 days will be the easiest days of practice for the year as we're going to have VERY WELL RESTED legs for THE MAIN THING.

After the PBL Invitational, only the top 8 runners will have to practice.  HOWEVER, I will expect the entire team to come to the Sectional on our home course on October 12 to support the team!!!

I'll have more for you about Saturday's meet on Wednesday, meanwhile, I look forward to seeing our girls and guys pack run tomorrow.  It's amazing how it feels to run with a bunch of team mates.  This is an experience one never really forgets.

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