Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Season Opener - A nice start, but....

We had a nice start at our Season Opener, with the guys taking 2nd place and the girls grabbing 3rd.  It was hot, but we toughed it out and had some nice performances.  Note the play on words.  Nothing great or fantastic here, nor were there any "epic fails".  Basically, it was nice to start the season BUT we know we have a VERY long way to go.  That was the message I gave the team in our brief meeting in the shade before doing the cool down.

The best part about this meet is that I KNOW what is coming and that's exciting!!!  You don't do this for as long as I have and not see the tremendous potential we have.  HOWEVER, it's going to take continued focus on THE MAIN THING to reach our goals.  The veterans know this, but may not totally understand it, while the rookies are going to have to take this on blind faith.

So, tomorrow will be another warm one, but we'll have plenty of fun on the hill.  I'll have the sprinklers blasting so we stay plenty wet and plenty of water, too.  We'll work right through the heat.

The high school has a "relay meet" on the JH course tomorrow, so I hope we have a little time left to cheer on our HS Panthers.

Team shirt order forms with go home and I need them back Friday so I can get the order in PDQ.  Pay when the shirts arrive.  Deal?

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